Restricted Key Systems
Commercial Locksmith Specialists For More Than 10 Years
Restricted Key Systems
A business that seeks to restrict access to its building in its entirety or specific parts therein need look no further than a restricted key system. These key and lock systems simplify access security and can trace keys and entrances directly back to the very people who have used them. Furthermore restricted key systems only allow a key to be utilized with specialized locks. Keys to such systems can not be duplicated easily nor without permission from a business owner or those that have been given that authority by him/her. All of the aforementioned means that business owners are able to grant access to specific areas to specific persons within their organization without restricting general access to employees.
Tracking Access
If you’re the type of business person whom wants to ensure that your business’ keys are unique to your facility then you’ll most certainly want to have a restricted access system installed. The keys associated with these types of systems can not be remade by any traditional locksmith nor duplicated by any machine. Instead these keys are patented and all different. Patented keys are safeguarded against duplication and manipulation by their manufacturer as only they are the only ones capable of creating copies or issuing new keys.
Restricted key systems are best know for the high level of security they carry with them but it’s a little known fact that the keys associated with these types of locks are extraordinarily durable; much more durable that traditional keys as a matter of fact. Whereas traditional keys bend, warp, and sometimes break, high security keys are made of a much more dense material. These thicker, bigger, and sturdier keys are built to last and very rarely wear to the point of necessitated replacement.
It’s no secret that restricted key systems are much more expensive than are traditional or standard cylinder locks. The difference in security however is immeasurable and well justifies the cost. In many cases a Boston Locksmith can retrofit a restricted access system into the existing locking systems of a business and may also allow for a slow years long roll out to offset some of the cost for a business. Either way, a restricted key system ups security and can even help to keep insurance costs reasonable.
Keeping Current With Security Standards
With technology moving as fast as it does these days businesses can easily and quickly fall behind the curve in terms of security tech. Although a full one time upgrade can be done, such a process is expensive and time consuming. Most businesses will therefore slowly upgrade their restricted key systems over time both to stymie costs and in order to avoid leaving their business vulnerable. This continuous upgrade process also allows a business to avoid the down time that often comes along with a full upgrade all at once. Those businesses that allow their lock systems and other security measures to lapse become more and more vulnerable as time passes. Persons with questionable ethics are often patient and very persistent but keeping your restricted key systems up to date keeps your business one step ahead of them.
Choosing Astro Locks For Your Brookline Commercial Locksmith
Astro Locks is Boston’s number one commercial locksmith and has been servicing the greater Boston area for decades. We have installed, upgraded, and repaired countless restricted key systems in the area and love what we do. Our primary goal is providing our customers with fast locksmith services that help secure a business and it’s invaluable resources. We place a heavy emphasis on both customer service and satisfaction and we aren’t happy unless our customers are. Moreover we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Our emergency services ensure that your business will never be left waiting until the next business day to begin and our employees always arrive uniformed and in easily identifiable vehicles.